Dave Pacheco Awards

"Championing Seaside's Future"

Recognition and Awards

An open mind to decision making, being available to constituents, and being prepared with an understanding that Seaside residents are my focus and priority.

Awards and Recognition represent teamwork in achieving results that benefit our community. The best results are created when all members of a team are working with a unified vision, a willingness to listen, the ability to be creative and active participation.

I will continue to reach out to the community and gather their insight, be available for resident concerns, knock on the doors of businesses, listen to peninsula and state leaders, and research information to gain vital information to ensure decisions are made to benefit the City of Seaside and its great people.

Community Awards and Recognition

City of Seaside Employee of Year
Seaside Humanitarian Award
Seaside Chamber of Commerce President's Award
Seaside Jaycee of the Year Award
LULAC Award of Recognition
Monterey Bay Links Award of Appreciation
Seaside Youth Summit Certificate of Appreciation
NAACP Award of Recognition
#1 Jaycee District Governor State of California
Top-10 Jaycee District Governor in the United States
All of the above as well as numerous Awards from Mayors, State Representatives and Congressman for service to the community

Bettering Seaside

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